Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren keeps putting herself in the centre of the 2020 Elections platform by proposing controversial measures to solve existing problems. Her “Education Reform” is complicated and might end up harming low income population all over the country.

This plan is a $1.25 Trillion proposal to cancel existing student loans and debts while making college free. How can this be financed and how is this fair for the ones that paid? All student loan debt for at least 42 million Americans and this plan that will last for a total of 10 years will include $640 Billion expense in order to cancel all the debts.

Every student that has a debt would get a “relief” of $50,000 if their total household income is over $100,000 at the same time, the ones that have earning for more than $250,000 won’t receive any benefit. Is this a problem for the middle class too?

As for now, Warren stays in the same stream by behaving in a very extremist way. This Education Plan lacks of a basis in terms of financial planning. Where is this money coming from? Is the system going to survive through “Federal Aid”? If this is the case, then taxes will have to be higher in order to keep the year balance in order. Who is Warren actually aiming to with this “impossible” proposal?

At the same time, the Democratic candidate hit big contributors like Amazon, Google or Apple by mentioning that “Today’s big tech companies have too much power—too much power over our economy, our society, and our democracy,”. Her plan is to “dismantle” this companies into smaller ones or to find a way to stop them from this “control” of the market in which she focuses her campaign … Apple was one of the examples mentioned by the candidate in some of her statements:

“It’s got to be one or the other, either they run the platform or they play in the store. They don’t get to do both at the same time.”

What do you think?