
Living in California has its upsides, but no matter how nice the weather may be there is always the potential for one looming disaster. Earthquakes. Southern California experiences nearly 10,000 earthquakes a year, most registering under a 3.0 magnitude, too small to feel. However, several hundred register above 3.0 and around 15-20 above 4.0. With researchers and scientists constantly fearing California being due for another major quake, the best course of action is to ensure that you are prepared for when the moment happens.


  1. Securing items within the home is vital. Shelves, televisions, and other hanging heavy objects should be securely fastened on walls and any overhead fixtures should be braced as well. Do not hang heavy or breakable items over beds, couches, or where people may be under. Secure your water heater to the wall by strapping it to wall studs and bolting it into the floor. Also make sure you have no defective electrical wiring or gas leaks in order to prevent potential fires.

  2. Emergency kits should include at least: first aid kit, fire extinguisher, battery powered radio, flashlight, three days worth of food and water, essential medications, and cash. Having these prepared for your home, office, and automobile is a good idea.

  3. Making an evacuation plan for after the shaking stops is extremely important because of the risk of structural damage. However during the earthquake itself it is important to make note of safe places both indoors and outdoors. If your inside, do not run outside, rather you want to go under sturdy furniture or against an inside wall, but most importantly stay away from anywhere shattering glass or heavy objects may fall on you until shaking subsides. If the earthquake happens while you’re outside or in a car make sure to stay in the open away things such as trees, power/telephone lines, and overpasses.

  4. In the event that you and your family are seperated make sure you have an emergency communication plan. First plan where to meet after an earthquake if you are separated. Next, ask an out of state friend or relative to be the family contact in case of emergencies. This is because during emergencies local calls tends to be difficult while it is much easier to make long-distance calls.

  5. Remember that after an earthquake hits there is a strong possibility of aftershocks. Make sure to stay where you are until the shaking stops, and once you’re sure it has then make your way outside to an open space. On top of that beware of secondary effects caused by the quake including: fires, road damages, landslides.

In the meantime, USGS has been the target for many “independent” researchers that point to the lack of information about the activity in certain areas that show levels of increasing volcanic activity … At the same time, most of California is being under a big process of “stress” in the plate and the magma layer since Kilauea Volcano erupted in early 2018. While this event keeps building up towards another (and possible bigger) explosion … USGS remains silent and many voices are starting to alert California residents as this event can affect directly the plate shifting in the “East Pacific” side of the famous Ring of Fire.