pentagon report shows the rate of sexual assault increased

A call for sweeping change in the military has come after a new Pentagon report shows the rate of sexual assault increased by 44% between 2016 and 2018 for female members. In the report the Pentagon details that despite major efforts to eradicate the issue, the current way they deal with it must change. Although 96% of the offenders were men, there were still cases of women committing the offense. The numbers are a combination of both sexual assault and harassment, essentially anything from groping to raping.

  1. Acting Defense Secretary Patrick M. Shanahan released a statement saying, “it is clear that sexual assault and sexual harassment are persistent challenges.” He continues that, “to put it bluntly, we are not performing to the standards and expectations we have for ourselves or for each other. This is unacceptable. We cannot shrink from facing the challenge head on.”

  1. In 2018, 6.2% of women in the military reported sexual assault in an anonymous survey, two years prior it was only at 4.3%. Those with the highest odds of sexual assault are young women 17-20 years old with 1 in 8 chance. In addition, 1 in 4 women report an unhealthy climate due to harassment. When it comes to assault, more than 85% knew their attacker, 62% of the time alcohol was involved, and 96% of the offenders were men. According to total estimates, 6% of all women in the military and 1% of men had been victimized.

  1. The Marine Corp, the division with the highest rate with 11%, released a statement deeming  the results “disturbing and a clear indicator the Marine Corps must reexamine its sexual assault prevention efforts.” It continues, “Our Marines have a fundamental right to live and work in an environment free from sexual assault and harassment. The Marine Corps is committed to purging these criminal behaviors from our ranks, taking care of victims, and holding offenders accountable.”